Wise Men Still Seek Him

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After Jesus was born, Wise Men from the East came seeking Him. They went to great lengths to find Him. They traveled a long distance for many months following a star to find Him. When at last they found the young child with Mary, they were so overwhelmed, they fell on their faces and worshiped Him. (Matthew 2:1-11)
After Jesus was born, Wise Men from the East came seeking Him. They went to great lengths to find Him. They traveled a long distance for many months following a star to find Him. When at last they found the young child with Mary, they were so overwhelmed, they fell on their faces and worshiped Him. (Matthew 2:1-11)

Real Men Love Jesus

It takes guts to go to the altar. Any man can sit through an altar call at church and refuse the gentle prodding of the Holy Spirit. It takes a man of courage to say to himself, "I need Jesus!" And then get up out of his seat; take that lonely walk down the center aisle in full view of everyone and make his way to the altar; drop to his knees and ask for God's forgiveness. Satan fooled you once. Don't be fooled again! Becoming a man of God is a sign of great courage and strength; not weakness. Your family needs you to be brave enough to be a man of God and lead the way.

Listen men, we don't smoke. We don't drink. We don't curse. We don't go with girls who do. We're Christian men! We're brothers of faith, men of integrity, followers of Christ, leaders of our families, leaders in our churches, our neighborhoods, our workplaces and our governments. We lead by example, by our actions and by our words. We don't look lustfully at women, because we've made a covenant with our eyes not to lust (Job 31:1). We walk in the Spirit and let our life be a walking sermon. We "lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us", and we "run with endurance the race that is set before us." (Hebrews 12:1).

If you haven't already, I suggest you set up accountability partnerships with other men. These men should be Godly men that you trust and will hold you accountable by having permission from you to ask you any questions they want to ask. Questions like:

  • How is your prayer life?
  • Are you setting aside time to read your Bible and spend time with God?
  • Are you attentive to your wife? Children?
  • Have you been looking at anything you shouldn't be looking at?
  • Have you lied in any of your answers?
"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love" (1 Corinthians 16:13-14 NIV).

Being a Christian man involves living according to God's word and seeking to keep one's way pure. Give serious careful thought to these four words: Accountability, Integrity, Faithfulness and Sanctification. How do these four words relate to your life or ministry? Ask yourself, am I living out accountability? Am I living out integrity? How about faithfulness and sanctification? Am I living them out?

  • Accountability is crucial. It's about being responsible and answerable to God and others for our actions and choices, holding each other to a higher standard and helping one another grow in their faith, stay grounded, and live a life that honors God.

  • Integrity is essential. It reflects our commitment to living a life of honesty and moral uprightness. By demonstrating integrity, we not only honor God, but we also gain the trust and respect of others, which can open doors for sharing the Gospel and being a positive influence in the world.

  • Faithfulness is of the utmost importance. It involves being committed to God, and dedicated to living according to His word. Faithfulness also extends to our relationships with others, being trustworthy, reliable, and true to our word. It strengthens our witness to others, as they see our trustworthy behavior.

  • Sanctification is the process of being set apart and made holy, allowing God to transform and purify our hearts and minds. It involves surrendering to God's transforming power and allowing Him to mold and shape us into the image of Christ. Therefore, pursue sanctification and live a life that reflects God's holiness.

"I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman" (Job 31:1 NIV).

Pornography, the Church is Not Immune

  • 70% of Christian youth pastors report that they have had at least one teen come to them for help in dealing with pornography in the past 12 months.

  • 68% of church going men and over 50% of pastors view porn on a regular basis. Of young Christian adults 18-24 years old, 76% actively search for porn.

  • 59% of pastors said that married men seek their help for porn use.

  • Only 13% of self identified Christian women say they never watch porn – 87% of Christian women have watched porn.

  • 57% of pastors say porn addiction is the most damaging issue in their congregation. And 69% say porn has adversely impacted the church.

  • Only 7% of pastors say their church has a program to help people struggling with pornography.

Source: 15 Mind-Blowing Statistics About Porn And The Church

Dear brothers,

In a world filled with temptation and darkness, it is crucial for us to remember the power of purity and the sanctity of our minds. Job 31:1 (NIV) reminds us to be faithful and pure in our hearts, avoiding lustful thoughts and actions. As men of God, we are called to be leaders, protectors, and examples to those around us. Let us not be enticed by the allure of pornography, but instead, let us be men of integrity, honoring our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit. Remember, whoever finds a wife finds a good thing (Proverbs 18:22), and obtains favor from the Lord. Let us strive to be men who seek godly relationships, built on love, respect, and purity. Let us be diligent in our pursuit of righteousness, guarding our hearts and minds from the destructive influence of pornography. May we be men who honor and cherish the women in our lives, treating them with the love and dignity they deserve.

In Christ's love,

Brother Chuck
Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. — Jas 1:12
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