Perhaps you've noticed there's no advertising on my website. I've intentionally not placed Google ads on my site. Not that there's anything wrong with them. It just seems like they kind of take over a website. I realize I can make a small commission for each click through. But I didn't create this website to make money. I created it to glorify God. It is my prayer and my hope that God will breathe upon everything I do on this site. So am I trying to raise money now by asking for donations? No! I'm not doing that either. But I do believe and understand the Biblical command and value of giving. So below you will find some of my favorite ministries. Some, I've personally been associated with and other ministries that I trust and believe in.
It is God's desire that we learn to give freely and without reservation to His Kingdom work. It all belongs to him anyway (1 Corinthians 10:26, Haggai 2:8, Leviticus 27:30), so why hoard it. Share some of what God has given to you with Christian ministries you trust. Below are some I trust. Feel free to give to them.
It's important that you tithe (10%) to your local church to help with expenses, growth, salaries, building projects, outreaches etc.. It's equally important that you give free-will offerings to other Christian ministries. When we give, we are obeying God. Sometimes giving can be uncomfortable. But understand that giving helps us grow. God blesses our giving. And because we give, we help make heaven a little larger. There is one Scripture on giving in the Bible where God challenges us to test him if we doubt His promise. It's the only Scripture I know of where God says, "test me in this".
Malachi 3:10 (NIV): "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it."
Could you use a blessing like that? We all could! So why don't you, "test Him in this". Find out for yourself. After all, it was His idea.
In the Bible, there are hundreds of Scriptures on giving. Below are a few I like.
"Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full-pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back." (Luke 6:38 NIV)
"Then they (God's people) faithfully brought in the contributions, tithes and dedicated gifts." (2 Chronicles 31:12 NIV)
"If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord- and he will repay you!" (Proverbs 19:17 NLT)
"And don't forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God." (Hebrews 13:16 NLT)
Below are some Christian ministries that need your prayerful and financial partnership. I'm certain you can trust them.
Number one on my list is the Assemblies of God World Missions (AGWM) of which I am very familiar. It was the AGWM who commissioned me as a Missionary Associate to Central America and assigned me to Belize. Before that I worked alongside of the AGWM in many countries preaching, evangelizing, building many churches, schools, and even one camp and conference center in Belize of which I was the director. I have many friends within this wonderful organization. Together, with Christ leading the way, let's partner with them and build His kingdom around the world.
Number two on my list is King's Castle Ministry known in El Salvador as "Castillo del Rey". I've been a part of this ministry working alongside of Castle in El Salvador. I fully support their work. Awesome ministry! Check out one of their videos below. One year, I personally worked side-by-side with King' Castle. We went into schools, villages, and the streets of El Salvador. Another year, I helped with construction. This is a wonderful ministry and worthy of your support.
Number three on my list is Convoy of Hope. I'm familiar with these brave men and women of God too. Convoy of Hope is an affiliation of the Assemblies of God. When I was a missionary to Belize, I worked alongside of Convoy of Hope in disaster relief when category 4 Hurricane Iris hit the tiny nation of Belize. A total of 3,718 homes and 19 schools were destroyed by Iris' 145 MPH devastating winds. In all, 31 people were killed by the storm. 20 of those people were on a dive boat, the Wave Dancer, when it capsized at the dock in Big Creek and eight others were listed as missing. Convoy of Hope does extraordinary work here in the states and all over the world. They need your partnership as well.
1. Assemblies of God World Missions: "We exist so all can
hear the hope of the gospel. Our commitment extends to all people in
all nations, regardless of remoteness, rejection, or resistance. Our Mission: Reach the lost, Train believers, Plant churches, Serve the poor and suffering" GIVE NOW TO AGWN →
2. King's Castle Ministries: "Founded in 1989, King's Castle Ministries proposed
to raise up
an army of young, Spirit filled warriors who would invade Latin
America with the simple message that 'Jesus saves and is coming
soon.' Today that vision has expanded to dozens of countries
throughout the world. Working hand-in-hand with the local church, thousands of young men and women are giving their lives for the cause of global evangelism in the various aspects of the ministry." GIVE NOW TO KING'S CASTLE →
3. Convoy of Hope: "Convoy of
Hope is a faith-based, nonprofit organization with a driving passion
to feed the world through children's feeding initiatives, community
outreaches, and disaster response. Currently, more than 387,000 children are fed in Bangladesh, Burkina
Faso, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Honduras, Haiti, India, Kenya,
Nepal, Nicaragua, the Philippines, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania,
Togo, and Uganda." GIVE NOW TO CONVOY OF HOPE →
4. Speed the Light: Speed the Light
is a youth ministry of the Assemblies of God. I know from experience
they provide vehicles for missionaries all over the world. "The
concept is simple: we give so others can speed the light of the
gospel to a world in darkness. Speed the Light is the
student-initiated, volunteer, charitable program that provides
much-needed equipment to missionaries across the nation and in over
180 countries around the world GIVE NOW TO SPEED THE LIGHT →
5. Global Teen Challenge: "Global
Teen Challenge is a non-profit organization on a mission to help men,
women, boys, and girls in every nation find freedom from
life-controlling problems. Teen Challenge has been helping people find
freedom from life-controlling addictions since our beginning in 1958.
270 million people worldwide struggle with drugs or alcohol. 3.6
million people die from their addiction each year." GIVE NOW TO GLOBAL TEEN CHALLENGE →
6. Adult & Teen Challenge USA:
"Freedom From Addiction Starts Here. There are over 200 Adult &
Teen Challenge residential programs throughout the United States. A
restored relationship with God can transform those who suffer from
addiction into vibrant, free, and sober followers of the Lord. OUR
7. ChildHope: "Compassion.
Education. Transformation. Providing hope and a bright future to
children born into poverty. We work in 300 schools across 20
countries throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. ChildHope has been helping children since
1963. ChildHope represents the largest network of Evangelical
Christian Schools in Latin America with 300 schools in 20 countries
affecting the lives of more than 100,000 children each day. More than
a million children have attended ChildHope schools." GIVE NOW TO CHILDHOPE →
8. Africa's Children: Serving
Africa's Children. We envision an Africa where every child has
experienced the love of Christ and chosen to follow Him. We commit to
evangelize, disciple, and show compassion to the children of Africa.
We will partner with every national church by training and equipping
them to effectively minister to the physical and spiritual needs of
9. Asia's Little Ones: Since 1990, Asia's Little Ones has provided essential lifelines-homes,
health, and education-to orphaned, abandoned, and vulnerable
children in Asia Pacific. GIVE HOPE! GIVE NOW TO ASIA'S LITTLE ONES →
Do you know how to become a Christian? Do you know how to go to heaven? Let's get this matter settled once and for all! Visit my page, HOW TO KNOW GOD →