BORODYANKA, Ukraine (AP) - It's almost Easter in Ukraine, where a trio of churches on the far edges of the capital considered faith, hope and charity on Sunday.
Faith Based Anecdotes and Illustrations
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Innocent Blood -By Brother Chuck
God hates murder. God hates the killing of the unborn. God hates racial extermination. God hates ethnic cleansing and mass population executions. God hates even a single murder. The Bible says that God hates the "hands that shed innocent blood." That's #3 on His list of things He hates found in Proverbs 6:16-19 (ESV).
In recent days, the events from the book of Esther have become real to us in Ukraine. It's as if the decree is signed, and Haman has the license to destroy an entire nation. The gallows are ready. Ukraine is simply waiting.
"God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, "I love you.'" -Dr. Billy Graham
The Cave People -By Max Lucado
Long ago, or maybe not so long ago, there was a tribe in a dark, cold cavern. The cave dwellers would huddle together and cry against the chill. Loud and long they wailed. It was all they did. It was all they knew to do. The sounds in the cave were mournful, but the people didn't know it, for they...
On your day of judgment, when God asks you, "Why should I let you into my heaven?" How will you answer that question? Some day my friend, you're going to die. We all are. There's absolutely nothing we can do about that. Death is like a speeding freight train, it's on the tracks and it's coming your way, and you...
The first time Jesus came to Earth, He came as a sacrificial lamb. When He comes again, He'll come as a Lion of conquest. The sacrificial servant becomes the conquering King. The Lamb becomes the Lion. This epithet of the Lion and the Lamb represents the Messianic Age. The Lamb symbolizes Christ' sacrificial death. The Lion, His resurrection.
Jesus Turned Around -By Brother Chuck
Jesus is on His way to the home of Jairus. Jairus is a leader of the local synagogue. His only daughter, about 12 years old, is dying. Jairus believes that Jesus can heal her if only He can reach her in time. But she's not the only one in need of a miracle that day. Nearby there's a woman with...
Do you attend a Christian church or an almost Christian church? Is your church or denomination the one true church that Jesus is building... or something else? Is your church a pretender? A cult? Can you tell the difference?
Does faith in God have to be blind faith? Can a Christian's faith actually be backed up with something that has a little, oomph behind it? Something like overwhelming, scientific evidence, that supports the existence of God, and creation? Something called quantum physics? Quantum physics explains how everything works. It is a practical utilization...
You probably know this, but in case you don't, I am so thrilled to give you the good news, you select your thoughts.
The Genocide of the Unborn -By Brother Chuck
What if all the pro-choice people had been aborted? Just sayin' . . .
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